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How Sustainable Upgrades Can Help You Secure a Top Price for Your Home

As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability continue to grow, the property market is evolving to meet the demands of eco-conscious buyers. Homes with sustainable upgrades and energy-efficient features are becoming increasingly desirable, not just for their environmental benefits but also for their potential to increase property values and appeal to a wider range of buyers.

In today's market, sustainable upgrades are no longer just a niche interest – they’re rapidly becoming a mainstream consideration for buyers. From solar panels and smart thermostats to water-conserving fixtures and sustainable landscaping, eco-friendly features can significantly enhance a home's marketability and command a higher selling price.

Why are green Improvements a priority for homeowners?

A survey carried out by Rated People in 2023 found that the primary reason for people making green improvements on their homes was to save money on their utility bills. However, there were other reasons too, such as being more environmentally conscious, lowering their carbon footprint and the long-term financial savings that eco changes provide.

Additionally, 23% of survey respondents also believed that green changes could add significant value when having a property appraised before a sale. Not only do green improvements help homeowners financially but they’re better for the planet as a whole – the more of us who choose sustainable home upgrades, the bigger the impact.

Energy-efficient features that boost home value

Renewable energy systems

The greenest home improvement you can make is to install renewable energy systems, particularly for heating the home. Solar panels, for example, can be fitted with battery storage to conserve as much power as possible, while air source heat pumps reduce your reliance on gas and electricity to reduce carbon emissions by as much as 65% compared to a gas boiler. There are grants available to offset the initial cost of the equipment, but if you’re looking to sell, these additions can pay for themselves quickly.

It’s worth noting that the likes of heat pumps shouldn’t be used in isolation. They’re most effective when coupled with other green upgrades, such as double or triple glazing, insulation and smart thermostats. Working in tandem, these features create bigger cost savings and a more comfortable home.

Triple-glazed windows

Windows are one of the most effective ways to make a home more energy efficient, retaining heat in the winter which will reduce your heating costs in the colder months. Double or even triple-glazing prevents heat loss in the property and, when coupled with thermal curtains or blinds, the effect can be even greater. In having new windows fitted, you’ll also have the opportunity to seal around the window frame to prevent draughts.

EV chargers

Electric vehicles are becoming more popular as people realise the extent of the pollution problem. Having an EV charger installed on the property is not only advantageous for you as the owner, but it’s a unique selling point when you come to sell too, making charging an electric vehicle much more convenient. With home charging, owners can take advantage of cheaper green energy compared to soaring fuel prices, making it a great investment in your home.

Smart devices

Smart technology is a popular addition to the modern home, with many people adding devices for the convenience they offer or for heightened security. Smart thermostats help to make a home more comfortable and energy efficient, minimising wasted energy by only heating the home when necessary. Likewise, smart plugs and lighting that can be controlled by your phone, with minimal financial outlay upfront, to improve the sustainability credentials of the property.

Cavity wall insulation

Heat can escape from your home quickly if it’s not insulated, so your eco efforts may be wasted if the property doesn’t have roof or cavity wall insulation. A home built before the 1990s is likely to have gaps in the walls, resulting in higher levels of heat loss. Investing in cavity wall insulation is money well-spent to create a more environmentally friendly home that’s cheaper to keep warm in the winter.

Draught proofing

Draught proofing involves sealing gaps and cracks in walls, around windows and doors and also floorboards, to prevent cold air from seeping in and hot air from getting out. Many homes, especially older properties, have small gaps where air can escape putting additional pressure on heating systems to keep the room warm.

Sealing off these gaps can significantly reduce a property’s carbon footprint, by minimising the need for radiators to maintain room temperature. From weatherstripping to caulking and draught excluders, going around the home and tackling these areas can add real value to your property.

Water conservation

Water conservation in homes is a pivotal step towards fostering sustainability. Implementing simple yet effective practices can significantly reduce water consumption and mitigate the strain on local water sources. There are several solutions, from installing low-flow fixtures such as taps, shower heads and toilets which can drastically cut down on water wastage, to repairing leaks. Additionally, harvesting rainwater for non-potable uses like gardening can alleviate pressure on municipal water supplies.

Green roofs

Green roofs, also known as living roofs, are innovative roofing systems consisting of layers that support vegetation. They’re not only aesthetically pleasing but they also offer a host of environmental benefits. 

This type of roof mitigates urban heat island effects by absorbing heat and reducing ambient temperatures. Similarly, it helps to manage stormwater runoff by absorbing and filtering rainwater, which alleviates strain on urban drainage systems and reduces the risk of flooding. They enhance air quality as well by capturing pollutants and CO2, together with providing a habitat for local wildlife and promoting biodiversity in urban areas.

Valuing sustainable upgrades

Energy-efficient features like solar panels, insulated loft areas and double-glazed windows can significantly increase a property's value due to the long-term cost savings they provide for owners. These are also areas of the home that new owners don’t need to worry about updating when they move in, which can make the property more appealing.

Likewise, eco-friendly upgrades such as water conservation measures, sustainable landscaping, and the use of recycled or low-VOC building materials can boost your home's marketability. When it comes to upgrades that have the biggest impact on property value, solar panels and heat pumps deliver the biggest savings in terms of utility bills and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. 

However, they also cost the most upfront to purchase and install, so they may not be financially viable for all owners. Cheaper alternatives that offer significant sustainability benefits include draught-proofing and smart technology integration – features that buyers are also on the lookout for.

The smart decision

The benefits of sustainable upgrades extend far beyond just environmental impact – they offer tangible financial advantages through lower utility costs, increased property values and a competitive edge in an evolving market. Eco-friendly features like energy-efficient appliances, renewable energy systems and water conservation measures are rapidly transitioning from niche amenities to mainstream must-haves for homebuyers. 

Making the right energy efficient and eco-conscious investment now will undoubtedly enhance a home’s appeal to the growing demographic of environmentally conscious buyers, when you choose to sell.

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